
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Take Back the Night
Wow. The world we live in is a really frightening place. I went to this tonight, and I could not believe some of the things that people were saying. To hear that so many people on this campus have been raped or sexually assaulted, it’s just frightening.

When I went there tonight, I never really thought I would share my story. For one thing, besides telling my closest friends, I never really talk about it. And sometimes I’ve been told that what happened to me isn’t appropriate for a place like TBTN. However, just because I wasn’t physically raped, doesn’t mean that I wasn’t emotionally raped. It was probably one of the scariest things I’ve ever had to do to get up in front of that group of strangers (as well as a few people that I’ve recently gotten to know) and tell my story. It’s been five years since my Mom’s boyfriend sexually harassed me, and most of the time I think I’m over it. But tonight when I was up there finding it hard to even speak, I realized that it’s never something someone can truly get over. And the only thing I can do is be thankful that it never went any farther than words. I’m one of the lucky ones.

But to hear the kind words from those people I do know after I spoke! To hear Harason, a Helene who I look up to quite a bit, tell me how brave that was of me, and to tell me about how when I was applying to be a Helene that I stood out to her. That almost brought me to tears again. Those kinds of words of encouragement are the things that make it easier for me to speak up. And also to Justin, who I really don’t know well at all. He was there for me, and listened to me, and even walked me home, because after a night like that you just don’t want to walk home alone. He is truly a REAL man, as one of the speakers put it. A man who can go to an event like that and be there for his friends who have suffered, it gives me hope.

And I also learned a little something about myself. I do contribute to the problem, just by the words I use and the judgements I make. So here is a list of words that I shall banish from my vocabulary: whore, bitch, slut, ho, etc. My sister and I sometimes get into little battles where we throw words like that back and forth at one another, and it’s just WRONG. I work so hard to stop people from saying nigger, fag, and ‘that’s so gay’ and things like that, but I don’t say anything about sexism, which is much more personal to me than racism and homophobia. So those of you reading this, you’re my witnesses. If you hear any of those words or words that could be classified as sexist crossing my lips, remind me of this pledge. I will not be a part of the problem!

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Easy Money? Not Likely!

So, have you ever got a phone call from someone you haven’t talked to in forever? Well I did today. What’s really weird is I don’t think I even ever talked on the phone with her when I knew her. An acquaintance of mine from high school, who graduated the year before me, called me today. Of course I was curious as to why, and I was thinking, “Wow. What a nice thing to do.” I was wrong. Apparently she’s got this new job through something called the Free Network, and she was trying to recruit me. I, being the cynical person that I am, said I wasn’t interested. It just seemed too good to be true. Work at home, the hours you want, and make lots of money. Yeah right. I was tempted to look into it some more, because, let’s face it, I need the money, but I decided to not even risk the temptation and just say I wasn’t interested. It seemed to be primarily based in sales, and I took a “too good to be true” job in sales before when I worked oh so briefly for Vector Inc. and I learned that I am just not cut out for sales. Anyway, this acquaintance and I made all the necessary comments of how we’ll keep in touch now and hang out when I come home for the summer and blah, blah, blah. But the chances of that happening are slim. But still, I put her number in my cell and she put mine in hers. Why do we do things like that? And why am I so cynical to automatically think that it is all bullshit? All well, I guess those are questions for another night. I shall now return to the wonderful irony of Huck Finn, a great American classic that I am lucky enough to have to read for my American Literature class. (And for once in my life I was NOT being sarcastic in that last sentence!)

Thursday, March 25, 2004

My Boys
You know what I realized today? I haven’t had a crush, like a real “oh my god my heart stops beating every time he’s around” crush since I graduated from high school. How did I realize this, I saw my sexy Republican today, otherwise known as S.R. or Senior, and even though I hadn’t seen him since last semester, and he was looking rather hot with his newly formed dreads, there was no freeze-frame moment or anything like that.

It seems that my entire adolescent life was defined by the guy I liked. Hell, my diaries are even informally referred to as the (insert crush name here) diary, depending on who my flavor of the year was. But I just don’t get that in college. Maybe I’m growing up and not forming little crushes anymore, but I highly doubt that. I think I just don’t have the chance to make the connections that I did in High School. I miss that. I miss seeing the same people every day and recognizing them around town and just hanging out. I think that’s what it is more than anything. In high school I had my boys, those guys that I could depend on to give me hugs when I needed them, to make inappropriate comments about meeting in bathrooms when I needed to laugh, to threaten to kill someone when they hurt me. I don’t have that close knit group of boys here and I’ve lost touch with my boys from high school. It’s just sad. Every girl should have a group of boys who have her back.

Eh, whatever, I’m just rambling. I’m tired and I wanted to post something so that depressing post wouldn’t be at the top of my blog anymore. G’night.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Lost Friendship
Back at school. I can’t really decide whether I’m happy or sad about that. On the one hand I loved doing nothing for a whole week and seeing my friends and hanging out with my sister, but on the other I am happy to have put some 300 and some odd miles between me and the drama.

You remember how I said I didn’t think Tiff was that stupid, well guess what, she is. I called her up on Tuesday to see if she wanted to hang out on Thursday with me and Denise (my other best friend, my bestest in fact, known her for 15 years) since Denise didn’t have school that day, but she had work. So I told her to hang out with us after work then. Then I asked her when she did have a day off so we could hang out. She said Wednesday and I asked her if she wanted to get together. She said she had plans and when I asked her what her plans were she said I would be mad. Okay, first sign that you’re in a joke of a relationship, you KNOW your friends will be mad to find out you are back in said relationship. Yeah, so we exchanged words, I said that it was obvious she only had time for me when he was out of the picture and even though I was only home for a week she would rather hang out with a psycho, and I told her that was her choice and I obviously didn’t mean much to her. She tried to protest, but I hung up on her. I felt a little bad because I didn’t even give her a chance to explain herself. However, I got over that pretty quick. She hasn’t even attempted to talk to me. She knew I left yesterday, and didn’t even call to say goodbye. Didn’t even call to see if I made it home safe.

AND here’s the clincher. She used to live at my house, right? And she still has the keys. She went over there and returned a CD while my sister was at school. So Heather (that’s my sis, in case I haven’t said so before) calls Tiff up to tell her she needs to give her key back because she and her psycho boyfriend are not welcome in the house. She claims she lost it. Yeah, lost the key in about 6 hours? Honestly! Anyway, they started talking and Tiffany starts claiming that I was lying and her boyfriend never said the things I was saying he said. This is what Tiff told me he said and I then told Heather. He said he was going over to Tiff’s house to “handle” her and then he was going to take his gun and put a bullet in Mike and Barrow’s (two of Heather and Tiff’s friends) heads and then go and rape Heather. (Now you see why I was pissed off?) Now I don’t know how I could have misheard that, but now she’s saying that the bastard never said anything about a gun. Well, if he didn’t then that means Tiff made that shit up, and why would she make up terrible things about the guy she LOVES. So now she’s calling me a liar.

You know, she was one of my best friends. I was practically family. I basically lived at her house through high school. Her parents are like my own parents. Her little brother and sister are my babies and now, I feel like I don’t even know her anymore. It just pisses me off that she is throwing away an 8 year friendship, a sisterly bond, for a good fuck.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Little Boy Blue Strikes Again
You know, when I graduated from high school, I expected to leave all that high school drama behind. And I did, but then I had to go temporarily insane and get involved with a high school kid. God dammit what was I thinking?

Yes, Little Boy Blue strikes again. He’s still working at the same place he was before, where I met him, and where my sister still works. And quite a few of his friends work there as well. And I plan to work there again this summer . . . maybe. This may have changed my mind. My sister was talking to one of his friends and the conversation turned to me, and she found out that he has been telling people that we did stuff that we did NOT do, things that I would NEVER do, least of all with him. Now this isn’t the first time my reputation has been compromised. I was always a target of mean gossip in high school, but to have it come from someone I cared about for a brief amount of time (and even if it was induced by the insanity, I did care about him), it hurts . . . and of course makes me want to kill things.

So yeah, you can take the girl out of high school, but if that girl even associates for one moment with anything high school, then the high school drama will find its way to her and piss her the hell off. But you know what? I’m going to be the bigger woman here, because let’s face it, I AM a woman and he is just a little boy who had to make shit up to make himself feel better. Well, I can take it. Let people think what they want to think, I will go back to that job this summer and I will ignore him. He’s not worth my time; he’s not worth stressing over; he’s basically not worth shit. Though a word of advise to people out there, before my bout of temporary insanity, I was always a firm believer in not dating down, yet I still let myself get charmed . . . to those of you who agree not to date down, stick to it! For those of you who don’t see what the harm is, take it from me, there is harm . . . little boys, not matter how mature they may seem, are still just little boys.

Oh and to those of you wondering where Briana went, don’t worry, I’m still going to kick the little bastard’s ass the next time I see him . . . THEN I’ll ignore him.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

General News
What the hell? I’m writing a blog in the middle of the day, that’s strange for me. I’m usually a night-time writer, but I’m on Spring Break so I can do whatever the hell I want!!! Ah, Spring Break, how I love thee.

Anyway, I haven’t written in a while and not much has been going on in the land of Briana. My friend Noushi turned twenty on Wednesday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOUSHI!!! There was a party, and much drinking ensued, though not by me, because we all know how I feel about that. And if you don’t, well then, you REALLY don’t know me that well. I’m telling you though, my friends drunk? Some of the funniest shit imagineable.

Anyway, what else has been going on? Oh yes, I had my first RA interview. It was the only offer I have had so far, but it was with Century and Cardinal Gardens which are my two top choices, so there you go. I think it went really well; I have never been so charming in my life. :) I’ll find out in mid to late April, so maybe I’ll get a really nice birthday present!

Hmm . . . then there was just the drive up here, which was fun, and long as always. The other news is that Tiffany (the topic of my post a couple weeks back “Different smart girl, REALLY stupid choices”) and homewrecker broke up. My sister was like “Oh THAT’S why she suddenly has time for her friends” but I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt and saying that she wanted to hang out with me since I’m home for such a short time. Anywho, I actually got a call from Tiff crying the other night, apparently homewrecker isn’t just homewrecker, he’s crazy-psycho homewrecker. He was talking about going over to her house and “teaching her to respect him” and then coming over to my house because “her friends ruined his life, he wants to ruin theirs.” So he was threatening to hurt my sister. You think I was mad about him getting in my mom’s face, you KNOW I didn’t take that shit well. But yeah, she ended up talking to him and calming him down, but, and I really REALLY don’t think she is THIS stupid, but who really knows, I think she may have gotten back together with him. She LOVES him. Fucking moron! I haven’t talked to her since that late night phone call, and I’m afraid to ask. But I swear to god if she gets back together with him, I’M gonna be the one smacking her around.

Anyway, I’ll probably post at least one more time over break. Who knows. Everyone else, enjoy your break!!

Monday, March 08, 2004

Dancing and Running
So last night I went to a club with a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in about a year. I actually had a lot of fun, even if there was a serious lack of cute guys there. But I do have one question. It’s a pretty big one, and it really bothered me throughout the night. Why in the world do guys think just because I’m out there dancing that they have the right to come up behind me and rub up against me? I mean honestly, what the hell gives them the right? I mean, if you want to dance, ask, I’ll probably say no, because every last one of them was ugly and old, but isn’t me telling you no, better than me turning around, looking at you in disgust, possibly slapping you, and being pulled away by my friend a little less embarrassing? Stupid, stupid guys! Those guys are probably the same ones who hang out their car windows and say wonderfully intelligent things like “Ow, shake it Mami” or my personal favorite “Bark, bark, bark!” News flash morons, the majority of girls, at least the ones with half a brain, will not find that attractive!

Anyway, despite that little rant up there, I did have fun. And then I didn’t get home until insanely late, only to wake up at 7:30 this morning to go work at the L.A. marathon. Some advice, if you ever want to feel really out of shape and ashamed with yourself, go to one of those marathons. There were people who had to have been in their 80s running that, as well as some kids who couldn’t have been older than 12. Sure made me feel inadequate, and of course, very proud of them. I think one day I may run a marathon. I think I can do it, I mean if that 80 year old man can do it, I certainly can. So now along with my goal of doing the 3 Day Walk for breast cancer, I will also run in the L.A. marathon.

Anyway, this weekend went by way too fast, but hey, at least next weekend I will be home! Only four more days!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Pure Happiness
Hmm...haven’t written in a few days. I haven’t really had anything interesting to write about. And since I’m fairly certain no one reads this anyway, I was in no rush to think of anything. But then an interesting thing happened today...Bush came to my school (well technically to the Shrine, but since that is RIGHT next to my school, and owned by my school, and I can see it from my apartment, I say he came to my school). And I never realized how much I really, truly, passionately hate that man, until he was so near me.

There are very few things in this world that fill me with an immense sense of joy. I’m talking that, you can’t stop smiling, you want to dance, you feel like your insides are all schloopy kind of joy. And today, when I saw all those protestors outside the Shrine, I felt that joy. And I am so dead serious. My roommate looked at me like I was insane when I said how happy that made me. I was on the phone with my sister when I saw the protestors, and she thought I was nuts too. But I really had this incredible happiness well up inside of me. Is it weird that my hatred for one person could inspire that kind of happiness? Probably. Do I care? Not really.

Anyway, talk about a weird look into my mind! My only regret is that there weren’t any...wait, never mind, I’m not going to finish that sentence, because I’ll be damned if I’m going to have the CIA busting down my apartment door and hauling me in for questioning...I have midterms to take. So use your imagination and fill in the blanks. I’m off to dream of the Greek religious practices. Yay for midterms!

Monday, March 01, 2004

The Lord of the Rings Awards
I am SO tired, but I just wanted to say, Yay for Lord of the Rings! Eleven for eleven. A clean sweep. And it deserved every award! I LOVE Lord of the Rings. Anyway, that is all. Good night!

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