
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Holy Shit
So, I just flipped my calendar from October to November and I had one hell of a "Holy Shit" moment. In one week I have 15-20 page short story due...and to some people that may seem like a lot of time, but let me assure you, when it comes to creative writing...it’s not. Then a week after that I have a research paper due (luckily a short one, only 8-10 pages) then a week after that another research paper (this one is supposed to be 10 pages...single spaced! Not so short). Then a week after that an 8-10 page literary analysis paper. Plus you add in there the midterms and reading assignments and I start wondering how the hell I’ll manage this. And also...where the hell has the semester gone?? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was whining about being away from him and wishing that the semester would be over already so I could spend winter break with him...and now, all my classes’ final projects are barreling down on me way faster than I’m prepared to handle them. Well...I guess the only way to head into this month is to say, "Bring it on!" and hopefully it will make the month go by faster and I’ll survive it with a minimal number of nervous breakdowns and before I know it I’ll be chilling out enjoying a month off with my boyfriend.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

That Thing Called Life
Wow, it’s been a while. I kept telling myself to write, but I would get distracted by other things. Be it USC football, which has proven to be quite exciting. Particularly the Cal game a few weeks back. You want to see someone age about ten years in a matter of five minutes...you should have seen me during the last part of that game. It was not a pretty sight. Besides that and school, the only other interesting thing that has been going on in my life is that I experienced real fear for the second time ever.

Now I’ve been scared many times in my life. Scared at a movie, scared because I’m alone in my house, scared that I would never amount to anything. But all of those things were just passing fears. This incident that happened, which I really cannot talk about, but to anyone who is worried about me, don’t be...it didn’t even have to do with me, I was in no danger...anyway, when that incident happened, I was scared. So scared that I didn’t know how I would survive if what I was afraid was going to happen, happened. I could not eat or sleep for three days because I was worrying so much...but thankfully, everything turned out okay in the end.

Oh, as for this being the second time I’ve experienced real fear, anyone who knows me well knows what the first time was. And anyone who doesn’t just needs to go look at my March 31 entry...I mention it there.

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