
Friday, April 30, 2004

Helenes and Ptolemy
So last night was Installation Tea and it was pretty emotional and I don’t even know any of the seniors. Yeah, even though it’s called Installation Tea it’s more for the seniors than anything. But I did get installed so I am now an official Helene. Yay! One thing that I realized though is while I LOVE Helenes, I’m not super close to any of the girls like they all seem to be with each other. I know it’s my first semester and there is still plenty of time to make friends with all of them, but I mean I just don’t know. Most of the other rosebuds are really close with each other, and I talk to a couple of them, and I talk to other random Helenes occasionally, but I don’t have that like great best friend type bond with any of them. I mean my big sisses are both great, but I’m not even super close with them. I can only hope that next year I’ll be able to bond some more with them. It doesn’t help that a lot of them go out and party together, and I’m just not a partier. Maybe in a year when I can legally drink, I’ll be more apt to go out, but for now...eh all well. But yeah, I am really excited that I am an official Helene, and I do still have my sights set on an E-board position for next year, though I have a fairly good idea of who else will be running for certain positions, and I know there are two positions I would be interested in and there’s one person for each who would be likely to run for them, and they’d probably beat me. But there’s one other position that I don’t know if anyone is interested in, so we’ll see.

Anyway, in even more good news, I talked to Ptolemy today! I was late to work because I was talking to him, but that was fine by me. He is so adorable. He was asking me what classes I’m taking next semester and was really sad to learn we wouldn’t be in any together. And then he suggested that we can email each other any stories we work on over summer so we can get each other’s input. And he said that he has a class in the same building as one of my classes next semester at the same time so hopefully we’ll still see each other. Seriously, this boy is too adorable and I was just giddy for the rest of the day. Cause anyone who knows me well knows that boys and I don’t mix, so it’s nice when there seems to be some connection. Just once again I wish I had discovered him earlier in the semester. I mean I had two classes with him! All well, I’m sure I’ll see more of him next year!

Anyway. That’s all for now. I may have exciting news tomorrow, but I’ll just wait until then to talk about it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The Crazy Catch Up Blog
It has been brought to my attention by my dear friend and mentor Julie that I have not updated my blog in forever, so I am here with the “learn everything that has been going on in Briana’s life for the past 3 weeks and what she thinks of it all” blog. I decided to go with a short title for space reasons though.

Anyway, the last time I wrote I was sick. I’m not anymore. Yay!

I found out about the RA job. I did not get it. This made me very sad, and slightly angry. But I have gotten over it and there is still a chance that I could be hired in the next round. Somebody I know was offered a spot in the building I wanted to be placed in and he turned it down, so who knows maybe I’ll get his spot! There’s always hope.

My sister came to visit and we had a mostly good time. We still fought sometimes, cause you know, sisters do that. I took her to classes with me and it was an overall good time.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I’m an auntie now?? :) Yup! Alexis was born on April 13, 2004. She was 7lbs 7 oz and 19 3/4 inches long! She is TOO adorable. She has fuzzy blond hair and cute little chubby cheeks, and I can’t wait until I get to go home and see her in person. I think I’m going to try to get a photo album on this thing so hopefully I’ll be able to post pictures of her soon. If you really want to see though, just sign my guestbook telling me and I’ll email them to you. Or you know IM or email me or whatever. I’m so excited that I’m an auntie though! :)

Hmm...oh I met the cutest boy in the world, who unfortunately has a girlfriend. :( It’s okay though, I liked looking at him. I think I’ll call him Picasso on here, cause he’s an Art Major. So you now have to keep track of Jerk, Little Boy Blue, Senior, and Picasso. Oh, and Jerk and I made up, so I should probably change his name. Hmm...I know, he’ll hate this, but I think I’m warranted to still be a little mean...he’ll be known as Clown. And anyone who knows him knows why! Anyway, I actually recently met another guy. He’s super sweet and I have two classes with him, but I only just recently started talking to him. And now the semester is almost over. Kind of sad, but he’s in my major so I’ll probably have classes with him again. I think I’ll call him Ptolemy. I don’t think anyone who would get that knows this website, so that is a safe nickname for him. I like giving guys I talk about nicknames. I got the idea from Julie’s website, but I’ve really always given guys I liked nicknames. It all started with Friday! Ha ha! Anyway. I’m starting to rant.

Oh, I need to catch you up on the Tiffany situation. So all my information I’m getting from other people. But Tiffany had moved in with the bastard (her parents kicked her out, they don’t like the bastard either) and they had gotten a car together and she drove to work all the time, despite the fact that she doesn’t have a license. Anyway, she still never called me. Didn’t even call me on my birthday (Oh yeah, I turned 20 on April 11, happy birthday to me). Well when Alexis was born, I thought she should know, so I called her and told her. Still no happy birthday and no phone call since. Anyway, so Denise calls me and tells me they hung out and then my sister says that she moved back home and she and the bastard had broken up. You’d think maybe she’d call me now? Nope. Still no call. Anyway, my sister told me today that she’s thinking of getting back together with him. But that’s not even the worst part...the reason they broke up? He as cheating on her! Yeah but you know the drill, “He loves her and he’ll never do it again.” Yeah, right. So yeah, my sister has talked to her, my mom has talked to her, even my freaking aunt has talked to her. She can talk to everyone in my family except for me! It just pisses me off. All well, I’m going home for the summer soon and hopefully we’ll be able to work things out. Or you know, I’ll just have to kill the bastard and move things along. Okay, I didn’t mean that last part. I’m not the murdering type. And that’s probably not the best thing to be posting online, so just know I wasn’t serious!

Anyway, now you’re all caught up in my life. Yay! I’ll try to keep a more consistent blog from now on.

Monday, April 05, 2004

The Cycle of Flem
Eew! Sorry for the gross title. It just popped into my head and so there it went. Basically I’m sick! I don’t think there is anything I hate more than being sick. It’s just so gross. But at least I know how long I’m usually sick for and what to expect. So for those of you who always wanted to know, and those of you who didn’t (seriously, who even reads this. I just write for my own amusement) this is the cycle of my sickness.

Day 1: Some point during this day my throat will feel scratchy. By the end of the night it will hurt, really badly, to the point where I feel like I can’t even swallow.

Day 2: Soar throat persists and I also start to feel a little flem-y. You know that feeling like you have mucus in the back of your throat that just won’t go away. However, by the end of the night, the sore throat is pretty much gone, which is good, cause that’s the worst part.

Day 3: Flem-y-ness continues. Will also start to get a scratchy nose so that sneezing occurs, a lot. Nose is pretty much stuffed, and I definitely SOUND sick. I sometimes feel light headed on this day.

Day 4: General flem-y-ness continues and nose changes from being stuffed up to being a constant faucet. Seriously, where does all the mucus come from? The nose is only so big! (This is the stage I am currently in)

Day 5: Runny nose continues, along with sneezing. Flem-y feeling persists, because it sucks and never goes away the whole time I’m sick!

Day 6: The big finale. One nostril is plugged, the other runs. There’s sneezing and coughing and just a bad feeling of flem-y-ness. But luckily, the sore throat does not return.

Day 7: May have some resounding icky feelings, but at this point I am basically all better.

And the scary thing is, I really do go through this cycle EVERY time I get sick. That’s why I hate sore throats so much. Because the minute my throat feels scratchy I know that I am in for a week of hell. Anyway, I mainly just wrote that so I could see that I only have three days of sickness left. Yay! And if I grossed anyone out...good. That’s what you get for reading something titles The Cycle of Flem!

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